Saint George cathedral

Discover Orthodox Christainity in the heart of Charleston, West Virginia

Discover the
Word of God!

“As the Prophets beheld, As the Apostles taught, As the Church received, As the Teachers dogmatized, As the Universe agreed, As Grace illumined, As the Truth revealed, As falsehood passed away, As Wisdom presented, As Christ awarded, Thus we declare, Thus we assert, Thus we proclaim Christ our true God and honor His saints, In words, In writings, In thoughts, In sacrifices, In churches, In holy icons. On the one hand, worshipping and reverencing Christ as God and Lord. And on the other hand, honoring and venerating His Saints as true servants of the same Lord. 

This is the Faith of the Apostles. This is the Faith of the Fathers. This is the Faith of the Orthodox. This is the Faith which has established the Universe.”

Read the daily readings from the New Testament as prescribed by the Lectionary of the Orthodox Church.

Listen to the Pre-Communion Prayers  while you’re on your way to Liturgy!

Make a contribution to help our ministries remain active and vibrant for future generations.

Review our monthly calendar so that you can make sure you’ll never miss a service or event! 

Make your 2023 Pledge

Your donations to our cathedral help sustain our mission on a daily basis. Our Cathedral offers ministries to all ages, and features a large congregation which means our expenses can be quite high. Pledge donations allow us to plan accordingly throughout the year. 

Holy Bread (or Prosphora in Greek) is necessary for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy as well as Orthodox Memorial Services.  As we take the Creation that God has given us– wheat and grapes, with the effors of man turning them into bread and wine, we finally offer them to our God who mystically transforms them by the descent of the Holy Spirit into His Holy Body and most precious Blood. 

We want to make sure we know our community well. Please be sure to inform us of any change of address or other relevant changes here.   

New to our community? We’re so glad you’re here! Let us know how we can best communicate with you through this Census. 

Weekly Divine Services

Great Vespers

Saturdays at 5:00pm

In the Orthodox Church the liturgical day begins in the evening with the setting of the sun. This practice follows the Biblical account of creation, “and there was evening and there was morning, one day.” (Gen 1:5)

The Vespers service always begins with the chanting of the evening psalm: “…the sun knows it’s time for setting, Thou makest darkness and it is night…” (Psalm 104: 19) This psalm, which glorifies God’s creation of the world, is man’s very first act of worship, for man first of all meets God as Creator.

Orthros & Divine Liturgy

Sundays at 9:30am

The Divine Liturgy is the primary worship service of the Orthodox Church. The Divine Liturgy is a eucharistic service, containing two parts: the Liturgy of the Word, at which the Scriptures are proclaimed and expounded; and the Liturgy of the Faithful, in which the gifts of bread and wine are offered and consecrated; the faithful then partake of them in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The Church teaches that the gifts truly become the body and blood of Jesus Christ, but it has never dogmatized a particular formula for describing this transformation.

Sixth Hour

Weekdays at 12:00pm

The Hours are four relatively brief prayer services of the Daily Cycle that mark the various principal hours of the day.

The Sixth Hour, usually celebrated at Noon, commemorates the sixth day and hour in which our Lord nailed the sin of Adam from paradise. We entreat Christ our God to tear-up the record of our sins and have mercy upon us. 

"Come and See"

Though we are happy to offer this website and its many resources to you, we invite you to experience Orthodox Christianity more deeply.  

Our Cathedral offers ministries to all ages, and features a large congregation of multi-ethnic families. As the Apostle Philip, said it very simply to his friend Nathaniel: “Come and see.

"All of creation is a burning bush of God's energies."
Saint Gregory Palamas